Our Contact for Intec

Here you will find an overview of all available contact persons for Intec. Not sure whom to contact?

Just send us an email to info@messe-intec.de , give us a ring on +49 (0) 341 678 -8218 or use the relevant contact form.

You would like to be an exhibitor at Intec? Please use our contact form

You would like to be a visitor to Intec? Please use our contact form

Project Team

Ulrike Lange
Ulrike Lange
Project Director
Annegret Jerke
Project Manager
Ines Wollenberg
Project Assistant


Christina Siebenhüner
Press Spokesperson
Susann Wolf
Marketing Manager
Sandra Weiske
Sandra Weiske
Online Manager

Further contact persons

Stand construction, Hanging advertising, Advertising spaces

Sybille Gäbler
Stand construction: FAIRNET GmbH
Peter Schippel
Peter Schippel
Advertising spaces: FAIRNET GmbH
Ute Knauth
Hanging advertising: FAIRNET GmbH


Katja Lehmann
Katja Lehmann
Project Manager Congress Center Leipzig
Kerstin Ratzenberger
Sicherheit und Verkehrsorganisation
Traffic organization
Susen Scharf
Catering, Fairgourmet GmbH

Technical contact

Leipziger Messe
Stand construction approval & technics
Leipziger Messe
Technical Orders

International Representatives

The Leipziger Messe's international representatives can provide you with support and advice on all aspects of your trade show participation. For example, if you have questions concerning exhibitor registration, catalogue and admission ticket sales, travel and accommodation or customs regulations, you can find the right contact person in the overview at www.leipziger-messe.com/international-representatives